Earswick has a variety of recreational facilities to enjoy. Much of the equipment has been provided by public grants or private donations but all is managed and maintained by the Parish Council.

All the facilities are inspected annually in order to obtain a RoSPA certificate, which enables the Parish Council to obtain Public Liability Insurance, and each year the certificate is issued with little or no work required. The Parish Council regularly reviews the facilities available and will add to the facilities in order to meet the changing needs of the community where funds are available.

Scented Garden

This is the most recent addition to the recreational facilities in the village and can be accessed from the Villager Hall car park. The garden has been created out of the old redundant Bowling Green by a committee of residents from around the village who wanted to create a garden which can be enjoyed by all members of the community.

The garden has become a meeting place, or somewhere to relax and enjoy the well stocked flower beds and aromas. The garden is wheelchair accessible and has been designed particularly to appeal to the partially sighted. The garden is arguably at its best on a warm summer evening when it is possible to sit and watch the dramatic sunsets over to the west, beyond the River Foss.

The Scented Garden is well used by Earswick residents and much admired by visitors to the village.


This is located behind the Village Hall on Earswick Chase and is designed to meet the needs of under 9 year olds, although the recent addition of swings means that older children (up to about 12 years) now have somewhere to pass the time.

Tennis Courts

The village has two tennis courts which are extremely popular during the spring and summer. In order to assist with the maintenance and upkeep of the courts, a charge of £30 per annum from April is made per household. This enables unlimited access for all the members of the family. A Tennis Court Membership application form is available to download at ‘Documents’ then ‘Miscellaneous’. Membership is open to residents of Earswick and, at present, up to 10 non-Earswick residents (annual fee £55) – provided they are nominated by an Earswick resident. Please email/telephone the Clerk for more information on earswickclerk@aol.com/tel 01904 758615.

Football Pitch

Located at the end of Lock House Lane (beyond the car park) is an expanse of land which has been set aside for a five-a-side football pitch. The new goals and nets were provided from funds obtained from the Strensall Ward Committee. The application for funding was submitted by young people from the village. The football pitch is very popular as can be evidenced by the rather worn grass!