Date(s) - 11/10/2021
7:15 pm - 9:15 pm
Earswick Village Hall
An Extraordinary Meeting of Earswick Parish Council is to be held on Monday 11th October 2021, in Earswick Village Hall. It will start at 7.15pm. Members of the Public are welcome to attend, but encouraged to raise any issues in writing rather than attending in person. Masks & social distancing are recommended. Hand sanitisation will be provided. Members of Public who do attend are not permitted to speak at the Parish Council meeting unless they have notified the Clerk in writing, at least two clear days prior to the meeting, that they wish to speak on a specific business item on the agenda.
Parish Council Meeting Agenda
- To receive apologies for absence.
- To receive declarations of interests in items on the agenda, and any other declarations.
- To agree the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 13th September 2021.
- To discuss, agree any action and authorise any expenditure regarding the York Outer Ring Road (A1237) proposed development, as proposed by Cllr Jones.
Derek Jones
Chairman to Earswick Parish Council
5th October 2021