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Date(s) - 13/09/2021
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Earswick Village Hall
An Earswick Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Monday 13th September 2021, in Earswick Village Hall which will start at 7.30pm. Members of the Public are encouraged to raise any issues in writing rather than attending in person. Masks & social distancing are recommended. Hand sanitisation will be provided. If you wish to attend, please would you contact the Clerk beforehand by email at earswickclerk@aol.com, or telephone 01904 758615. Members of Public who do attend are not permitted to speak at the Parish Council meeting unless they have notified the Clerk in writing, at least two clear days prior to the meeting, that they wish to speak on a specific business item on the agenda.
Parish Council Meeting Agenda
- To receive apologies for absence.
- To receive declarations of interests in items on the agenda, and any other declarations.
- To agree the minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 22nd July 2021.
- Ward Councillors’ reports.
- To ratify the following items of expenditure:
- £32.99 to J Fisher for tennis court padlock.
- Clerk’s finance report and authorisation of expenditure.
- To make a decision regarding any planning applications, and to record details of any applications dealt with by the Clerk using delegated powers, including the following planning applications:
- 21/01755/FUL 27 Lock House Lane Earswick York YO32 9FT (Link extension to side, raising of roof height to side and garage to provide upper floor, front and rear extensions to garage. Single storey extensions to front, single storey extension to rear with terrace above, and dormer to rear) – objections raised by the Parish Council
- 21/01802 20 Lock House Lane Earswick York YO32 9FT (Single storey rear extension – retrospective) – no objections from the Parish Council.
- 21/01990/FUL 47 The Village Earswick York YO32 9SL (Two storey side extension, single storey front porch, single storey rear extension, 3no. dormers and 1no. rooflight to front, 1no. dormer to rear after removal of existing dormer, off-white render to external walls, and erection of detached garage to front) – no objections from the Parish Council.
- 21/01951/FUL 242 Strensall Road York YO32 9SW (Two storey side extension, single storey rear extension and porch to front following demolition of existing detached garage and replacement of existing septic tank with sewage treatment plant).
and to discuss/record any planning applications approved/refused by City of York Council (CYC), including approval of the following planning application:
- 21/01238/FUL 37 Earswick Chase, York YO32 9FZ (Two storey and single storey side extension to form self-contained annex and garage following demolition of existing detached garage).
- To receive a report from Cllr Offler regarding the monthly equipment check, and to agree action and expenditure in response to any proposals for repairs.
- To discuss, agree action and authorise any expenditure to replace the fencing around the children’s play area and possibly acquire some new equipment, as proposed by Cllr Wiseman.
- To discuss, agree action and consider renewing the mole removal contract with Huntcatchkill PCS Ltd, as proposed by Cllr Jones.
- To ratify payment of £42 to P Leveson for purchase of an A4 size metal sign from Signs Express, requesting dogs be kept on leads on all paths, as proposed by Cllr Wiseman.
- To discuss, agree action and authorise any expenditure to treat the Scented Garden benches, including approval of £12.24 to G Offler for purchase of sanding sheets, as proposed by G Offler.
- To discuss, agree action and authorise £10 to G Offler for purchase of daffodil bulbs for the public open space, as proposed by Cllr Offler.
- To discuss, agree action and authorise any expenditure regarding the installion of wetpour under the equipment in the children’s playground, as proposed by Cllr Leveson.
- To discuss and agree any action regarding the Parish Council’s bank accounts, on-line banking, and finance reports, as proposed by Cllr O’Connor.
- To discuss, agree action and authorise any expenditure relating to the production of a Parish Council Newsletter, as proposed by Cllr Offler.
- To discuss and agree the appointment of two Parish Councillors to carry out the Parish Council Internal Audit, as proposed by Cllr Jones
- To discuss, agree action and authorise any expenditure relating to the grassed areas damaged by the recent electrical work, in Shilton Garth, Stablers Walk and Rowley Court, as proposed by Cllr Wiseman.
- To discuss, agree action and consider renewal of the British Gas Fixed Rate Plan for the Village Hall, as proposed by Cllr Jones.
- To ratify the following decisions made by the Parish Council (PC):
- Meeting with Luke Dixon (Huntington firefighter) to discuss wildfires on 17.9.21.
- Writing to Northernpower regarding any oustanding electrical work in The Village, Stablers Walk, Shilton Garth and Rowley Court.
- Meeting with Philip Allott, the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner.
- Items for information – to include any reports from Councillors attending meetings as representatives of the Parish Council, any updates on Neighbourhood Watch, and items for the next agenda.
Joanne Fisher
Parish Clerk
7th September 2021