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Date(s) - 12/07/2021
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Earswick Village Hall
An Earswick Parish Council Meeting is to be held on Monday 12th July 2021, in Earswick Village Hall which will start at 7.30pm. Members of the Public are encouraged to raise any issues in writing rather than attending in person. A maximum of 8 members of the public will be allowed to attend. (Masks & social distancing are required. Hand sanitisation will be provided.) If you wish to attend, please would you contact the Clerk beforehand by email at earswickclerk@aol.com, or telephone 01904 758615. Attendees who have applied will be allowed into the Village Hall on a first come first served basis, up to the maximum of 8 attendees. Members of Public who do attend are not permitted to speak at the Parish Council meeting unless they have notified the Clerk in writing, at least two clear days prior to the meeting, that they wish to speak on a specific business item on the agenda.
Parish Council Meeting Agenda
- To receive apologies for absence.
- To receive declarations of interests in items on the agenda, and any other declarations.
- To agree the minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, and the Parish Council meeting, both held on 17th May 2021.
- Ward Councillors’ reports.
- To ratify the following items of expenditure:
- £721.68 to BHIB Insurance;
- £36.94 to J Fisher for postage and stationery;
- £25 to A Jones for website update of Cllr photos;
- £307.20 to Eboracum Security for 28th & 29th May 2021;
- £460.80 to Eboracum Security for 23rd, 24th & 25th July 2021;
- £22.50 to Yorkshire Local Council Assns for Cllr Dowsett training.
- Clerk’s finance report and authorisation of expenditure.
- To make a decision regarding any planning applications, and to record details of any applications dealt with by the Clerk using delegated powers, including the following planning application:
- 21/01238/FUL 37 Earswick Chase, York YO32 9FZ (Two storey and single storey side extension to form self-contained annex and garage following demolition of existing detached garage) – no objections from the Parish Council.
and to discuss/record any planning applications approved/refused by City of York Council (CYC), including refusal of the following planning application:
- 21/00194/FUL Proposed Residential Development Site Shilton Garth Close YO32 .For: Erection of detached dwelling with associated access, landscaping and air source/ground source heat pump. – application refused by CYC.
- To receive a report from Cllr Offler regarding the monthly equipment check, and to agree action and expenditure in response to any proposals for repairs.
- To discuss, agree action and consider authorising £225 (no VAT) for the repainting and varnishing of the “Village Hall “ sign, and the repainting of one internal wall of the village hall where the new alarm control box has been installed, as proposed by Cllr Jones.
- To discuss, agree action and authorise any expenditure relating to the purchase of an A4 size metal sign requesting dogs be kept on leads on all paths, as proposed by Cllr Leveson.
- To discuss, agree action and authorise any expenditure relating to Norton Security for the Parish Council laptop, as proposed by Cllr Jones.
- To discuss, agree action and authorise any expenditure following the award of the City of York Council Play Area Grant of £3,346, as proposed by Cllr Leveson.
- To discuss, agree action and authorise any expenditure regarding a Co-option policy, as proposed by Cllr Wiseman.
- To discuss, agree any action and authorise any expenditure relating to ‘The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons’ on 2nd June 2022, as proposed by Cllr Leveson.
- To discuss, agree action and authorise any expenditure regarding maintenance and/or improvements to the condition of the balancing pond, as proposed by Cllr Offler.
- To ratify the following decisions made by the Parish Council (PC):
- Removal of the Scented Garden shed following a break-in, and giving the Scented Garden Committee permission to place a skip on PC land (outside the Scented Garden) for shed clearance.
- Meeting with Stewart Hamilton from Stephensons Rural LLP on 14th June to discuss the City of York Council (CYC) compulsory purchase process in relation to Diamond Wood;
- Writing to Avison Young (CYC agents) to inform them Stephensons Rural LLP are the Parish Council’s agent in relation to the A1237 developments.
- Writing to Prince Charles on 24th May requesting he support the saving of Diamond Jubilee Wood.
- Seeking clarification of City of York Council Planning Department’s interpretation of its Neighbourhood Plan Housing Development Policies.
- Removing broken wood fencing and tree trunks from a den at the far end of the public open space, and placing manure there to deter further den building.
- Items for information – to include any reports from Councillors attending meetings as representatives of the Parish Council, any updates on Neighbourhood Watch, and items for the next agenda.
Joanne Fisher
Parish Clerk
6th July 2021